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Personal Branding

I’m going to make a big assumption here. I’m going to go out on a limb and say; you have a job. In that job you’re selling something, maybe you’re selling a product, maybe it’s a lifestyle, or a service. Do you work at a big company? I’m sure they spend thousands on a marketing division. You spend countless hours presenting the idea in the best light. Maybe your company is small, just you? Then you definitely know how much of your time is consumed by marketing, brand awareness, and selling your services. Do you have children? Don’t you spend a lot of time convincing, “selling”, them on the idea of eating vegetables or going to bed at a reasonable time.

Like it or not, we are all in sales, don’t blame me for this reality shattering news, blame Daniel H. Pink. Accepting this leads one down a rabbit hole. If everyday we’re selling, shouldn’t we be dabbling in marketing and branding also? I mean, to cover our bases, this would probably be useful.

Let’s look at this from a different angle, you’re selling the product, you’re selling the lifestyle, you’re selling the service….there seems to be one constant: YOU. We have to brand ourselves correctly. And if there is a glimmer in your mind about, “I would look dumb in a suit and tie, so who cares?”, you know who would also look dumb in a suit and tie? Electricians, or Plummers. But they look the part. Don’t you feel good when a doctor walks into the room with a stethoscope on her neck? You can also look the part in your life work.

Let’s examine Forbes 10 rules for personal branding, but we’re going to take it a step further, and make it just about clothing.

Forbes 10 Golden Rules for Personal Branding

  1. Have a Focus: do you get dressed for you or do you get dressed for them? Don’t just buy clothing to avoid a public indecency charge. Are you trying to make an impression? Do you want to be comfortable? Do you want to be ethical? Do you want a deal? What is your focus…

  2. Be Genuine: Apart of having a focus is knowing what you want. Envisioning yourself in the role and embodying it in all of your choices. I want to support small businesses and only buy clothing made in America. So if you see me going to the movies, chances are I’ll be in American made jeans and a hoodie I bought as a mom and pop shop. I am genuinely me and don’t waste time shifting gears mentally.

  3. Tell a story: Oop! Who woulda seen that one coming. The clothing you purchase can tell a story, “I got this jacket when I was in AZ for work” Oh you travel? You like to travel? and away we goooo

  4. Be Consistent: Do you want to be the person who does the bare minimum, who gets away with “its fine”, who shows up and kills it one day and then doesn’t care the next? Your wardrobe doesn’t need to be dressed to the 9’s everyday, but we all know those people who clearly need to do laundry because ther’re wearing a denim vest as a shirt. Find a few brands you like and stick to them.

  5. Be ready to fail: “You can pull this off, I can’t, as much as I would love to.” That inner voice telling you “no, you can’t”. Have you ever tried a new food and thought, “nope not for me.” or “wow, this will be my entire personality now”. That is the same effort you need to put in to trying new looks. If it works, awesome, if it doesn’t, nooooo one will care.

  6. Create a positive impact: Dressing well is a form of good manners. - Tom Ford. I completely agree.

  7. Follow a successful example: "Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs just wear black shirts and jeans”. And I encourage you to do the same. I ENCOURAGE it. You’re a tech billionaire who has introduced a species defining platform, correct? No? Odd. — Find the successful people in your field, or in your dream field and study them. They are an example, not an exception.

  8. Live your brand: I was at a dive bar in upstate NY on a ski trip with some buddies. We met a few people at the bar and started chatting. One of the couples and I started discussing work. A few weeks later I get a social media notification, “hey, I want to buy a sport coat” I drive back up, 5 hours, and make the sale. All because even in a backwoods bar, I was living my brand, and it showed I cared. I’m not just On when I know there is something to gain, I am always on because: rule #1

  9. Let other people tell your story: Has someone sent you a referral and said “he’s great at what he does, but, don’t judge a book by its cover”. We spend way too much time trying to bridge the gap between our capabilities and our appearance. The two should be so seamless that other people can sell you just as well as you sell yourself.

  10. Leave a legacy: You don’t have to be remembered as the best dressed person in the room. But you can be remembered as a balanced individual. The way you live your life can be expressed through your clothing. It can tell a story.

Watch a YouTube video on branding, follow a few marketing accounts on Instagram. See what you can pull from these fields to enhance your personal brand.