Bards Clothing

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What is a Bard?

Okay so let’s just get one thing straight…

Hang on, traditionally what is a Bard?

Bard, a poet, especially one who writes impassioned, lyrical, or epic verse. . Bards were originally Celtic composers of eulogy and satire; the word came to mean more generally a tribal poet-singer gifted in composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds. The Irish bard through chanting preserved a tradition of poetic eulogy.

In Celtic cultures, a bard is a professional story teller, verse-maker, music composer, oral historian and genealogist, employed by a patron (such as a monarch or chieftain) to commemorate one or more of the patron's ancestors and to praise the patron's own activities.

A modern day Bard.

Matt read the Tea leaves back in 2017 and saw that this world was no longer physical vs digital. We no longer powered our computers down and went home. For many people work never stops. When you love what you do, you are that person whether you’re on the clock or not. With restrictions loosened on professional attire, and access to more clothing than ever, we no longer live in a dress vs casual world. The middle ground has taken over and we are now able to build a wardrobe that more closely represents our identity as an individual.

Are you environmentally conscious? Why are you wearing fast fashion brands?

Are you a detail-oriented person? Why are your pants 4 inches too long?

Are you an out of the box thinker? A grey suit and white shirt don’t say that.

What we tell people about ourselves better match the way we look. This modern-day Bard is here to make sure you are able to tell your story through clothing. Returning to an era when craftsmanship meant something, Matt is on the forefront of revitalizing the fashion industry in America. In 2020, Bards Clothing was created, a direct-to-consumer custom clothing company. Custom clothing allows you to create the ideal wardrobe for your life as it is and as you would like it to be.

Ask yourself, if a stranger found your profile, would they be able to guess what you do based on the images alone? And would it make sense when they found out?