Live from Chicago

Sitting here in Chicago, sipping coffee, exhausted. This show is beyond different from New York. The east cost show is curated to businesses focusing on custom. Only fabric houses and manufacturers attend.

Here in Chicago, it’s the largest show in the world. Every brand under the sun is represented. You’ll see a mom and pop umbrella brand next to Hugo Boss.

This show is great for gaining perspective. We work so hard to build a business and a brand, but we’re just a fish in the sea. It’s beautiful and humbling.

In New York it’s more about building relationships and comrades in the industry. Here in Chicago, if you’re Neimen Marcus or a single direct seller, you’re here. I might see 200 faces in New York, and here there are roughly 10,000 humans. I’ll break down the two next week!


Inside Our Shirt Factory


CTDA Show 2025