5 Actions to take in the New Year

Whether you are a goal setter or not, sometimes lists like this elicit a heavy eye roll. I am self aware enough to know that, and yet I am still writing this; what follows should be of some importance then. 

  1. Stop Dealing in Absolutes. This is one I admittedly need to work on. We need to stop virtue bashing. Stop the “Dry January” “No Buying X” and other forms of extremist behavior. Would a world without fast fashion be great, 100%. The reality is many consumers can’t just stop cold turkey. Look for ways to ween off fast fashion. Do you need 14 pair of pants, can you start to donate some and introduce a few better quality ones? Just because an item checks the boxes “sustainable, ethical, local” doesn’t mean its right for you. I have had an Express button down for 14 years, thats as sustainable as it gets and I’ve bought stuff from local shops I wore once. Find the right brand, and look for you. 

  2. Slow Things Down. Let’s stop with this need for “One click buy”. Ready to wear clothing is a relatively new phenomenon, yet we pretend like it's the only option. Get comfortable with clothing that will take some time to make. This year try commissioning a piece of clothing, even if it's just from that girl who knits on IG. 

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  3. Take Inventory. Look at your past year with clothing: were there items you did not wear at all? Were there items you did wear but hated that THAT was the only option you had? Do you have a lot of clothing left over from past jobs? Did you have any go-to items? Take action on these thoughts, get rid of what you did not wear. Update what you know needs updating, and hone in on those items you liked. 

  4. Look for missed opportunities. Were there any times last year you knew you could have done better? Any times you could have even dressed better and didn’t? It doesn’t have to be anything big. I went to a comedy club show to support a friend, and afterward she introduced me to the show runners as “My friend Matt, he's a designer”, I was wearing boots, jeans, and a hoodie. Now I shouldn’t have been in a suit, but I should have known there may have been an opportunity and dressed accordingly. 

  5. Don’t be afraid to dream a little bigger. I will believe this until I die: Most people do not put effort into dressing NOT because it isn't required, but because they don’t want to be consumed by the lifestyle. You wear one nice outfit at the office and suddenly you’re the fashionable one around these parts. We are social creatures, we identify with others based on appearance. You don’t even know who is out there and what awaits you because you’re too busy living in “good enough”. Please, dream a little bigger.

Take this weekend to just look, really look and really be honest with your wardrobe and yourself. This is a form of taking self inventory. 


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Let’s recap this year