In decades passed, your shirt was equivalent to underwear. Just something to put on so your jacket and tie could sing. In today's more casual world, you can often ditch the jacket for a more casual look. The catch is, just because you can opt for a more casual look, it doesn’t mean you are off the hook for making strong first impressions. Our style options and button selections make your shirtings a strong first line of defense. In a sense, your shirt is the new suit.

Our fabric selection is vast. Hundreds of patterns and fabric options to fit both your work and casual lifestyle. When you’re getting dressed, do you have to wear this shirt with these pants because of the fit? Or you have to wear that shirt with that jacket because the sleeve length is right? We believe in the ease of consistency. All of your shirts fit the same, because we make a one of a kind pattern for you. Walking out of your house can be done with confidence, because you know every shirt fits the same and its to your liking.

Many of our clients make shirts that fall into the “Dress for your Day”, category. Below you will see a selection of the stories we have told for clients, ranging from casual flannels to work horse dress shirts. The buttons and style choices give our clients the ability to share their stories with the world




Our Brooklyn Factory